Hey guys, I'm really struggling to find a webtoon and/or Manhwa! I don't recall everything, but it went sort of like this:
I do believe it was in a school setting (though not 100% sure). There was a guy who was friends with benefits with some other dude (who had a girlfriend anyway). However, at school (?) there was another dude who was, like, a (were)wolf or vampire or something who was attracted to our first guy?
Due to a misunderstanding, our first guy was fed up (miscommunication, am I right?) and left our fantasy boi for the friends with benefits dude. However, he lived with him for a while, found out the guy had a girlfriend, and came back to his fantasy boyfriend.
Ring a bell? I can't find it, and I'm quite annoyed that I can't XD
As soon as the "Did I see that right?" was uttered, I immediately thought: hemipenis, here we go. Never been more glad for my knowledge on snakes, lol.