it's all so annoying like lister's ofc a disgusting piece of shit, he goes like i AbUsE yOu BecAuSe i LiKe YoU fuck off he acts like he owns him wtf and most annoying is dame lysbet (?) like you know sylhan is getting b abused, it's not like it happened once, it keeps happening, you see the visible marks of it, and what do you do? scold lister for a second and be done with it. like if you want to take care of sylhan, either be sincere about it or just don't bother at all. plus i don't understand because sylhan is supposed to be someone of high position before he lost his memories right? both of them (lister and lysbet) are like okay why don't you stay as an implicit servant lister gets to abuse you, and lysbet would act to care for you once in a while and that's all. like sylhan would be fine on his own away from you both mfs

i sort of understand the change in art because like suddenly imagine you're given a work that is already more than halfway to the end, and the new artist haven't even connected to the characters. they haven't drawn benjamin, isaac and felix from their beginning, and thus, it's natural to not feel anything for them. if i were to given a work which is almost completed, to draw just the ending, ofc i would feel dissociated from it no matter how much i read the work. it's such a shame that this wonderful story had to see an end like this. but at the same time im so glad the old artist has been removed and punished. well, id be speedreading the ending since, truly, the art doesn't sit right with me, but I'll pick up the novel! <3

idc if the second ml turn out to be bad or whatever, but this dark king bastard should never be together with mc, like even if he turns out to be good or some billshit he still did all these things, abused him, raped him literally traumatized him even if he turns out to be good i can never forgive him
this is so amazing like i love how the author slaps us with serious issues and stereotypical myths and then makes a comedy out of it AND EDEN AND MAX OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY'RE SO CUTE GRRRRRRRR BARK BARK