Just here to admire pretty MC but the cmt r so wild imdying lol

你和我呀两小傻子啊 created a topic of Taint

ML has tentacles. He is pervert. Idk how powers of desire demon are given but bro definitely chose to become an octopus just to &@$# and @&#@ MC.

I knew MC gonna accept ML but damn...imagine falling for your r@pist...

Too fast. And the title is like those cringe Wattpad titles lol the plot gonna like them too I can feel it.

I might hv a thing for Blondies ..

The art is drawn too funny to be serious. I felt like it would make a great plot with serious arcs and background lores (not to mean current is not good, it's become a cute comedy) .even the fights are cute (it's like children playing knight lol)

ML's new bf doesn't even have a face :') redie u still hv chance, the author didn't even draw ML's new bf lol

Philon and his step dad. Just omegaverse version


I read first 2 chapter and skip to 26 and checking from the cmts, I m right n didn't need to read the middle parts. Kinda knew it the plot gonna go around....

See depressed and overworked back end developer.
He is definitely me.
But MC is so cute. All my surroundings back end devs looked like zombies...

The first chapter reminds me of trees of a root lmao

Came back after months and I see many ppl enjoy this. Either
1. They are sadist enjoy seeing someone being r like that
2. Love violence and may be even romantize them
(And decided to cover with 'this is just fiction'. It was like those who enjoy in*est p*rn and said 'it's just p*rn)

你和我呀两小傻子啊 asked a question

Do someone has the pdf or drive full version of svss and books of fei tian ye xiang ( author of legend of exorcism) ? I want to re-read but n-update already deleted all the book. Can u share link pls, if you have? Many Thanks in advance

Healthy and cute lesbian courting vs aggressive, possessive and assault (duke) gay courting.

Came back after months and I see many ppl enjoy this. Either
1. They are sadist enjoy seeing someone being r like that
2. Love violence and may be even romantize them
(And decided to cover with 'this is just fiction'. It was like those who enjoy in*est p*rn and said 'it's just p*rn)

Came back after months and I see many ppl enjoy this. Either
1. They are sadist enjoy seeing someone being r like that
2. Love violence and may be even romantize them
(And decided to cover with 'this is just fiction'. It was like those who enjoy in*est p*rn and said 'it's just p*rn)


ML changes from manipulative calculative red flag seme to simp puppy blushie unicorn seme (in front of MC)

If you hv rlly loved for a long time, it would be very hard saying 'no'. Like, how one part of urs is telling u 'it's wrong' but the heart that loves ML is swaying. I can understand MC. It's not that easy to let go everything at the moment. Bro needs time.