Did merman even know something called 'consent' ? It's human word.... The thing might not work the same for mer creatures....what if playing-hard or fighting is their call for mating (lol) if so MC is acting willing in his eyes we shouldn't use human thinking on ML pov

This is super uncomfortable and disgusting to read how ML dominates MC....the toxicity is peak haven't get this feeling since jinx. Will come back when ML beg MC to love him (probably at season 5)

Both are pay ganic so hard lmao.

What do u expect from a timeline of kings and wars? If we learn history, there are many examples of kings or royals warm their bed with literally kid slaves. (just saw a yt video of Greek king smth taking a underage young man as cucubine just bec he looks like his ex wife. Yeah, he cut off the slave's d). Atleast MC is older.

What do u expect from a timeline of kings and wars? If we learn history, there are many examples of kings or royals warm their bed with literally kid slaves. (just saw a yt video of Greek king smth taking a underage young man as cucubine just bec he looks like his ex wife. Yeah, he cut off the slave's d). Atleast MC is older.

What do u expect from a timeline of kings and wars? If we learn history, there are many examples of kings or royals warm their bed with literally kid slaves. (just saw a yt video of Greek king smth taking a underage young man as cucubine just bec he looks like his ex wife. Yeah, he cut off the slave's d). Atleast MC is older.

MC is so cute. Cutest MC average ?? Bro if he is average, I m that cat face persona character from that game.

Idk why but I dropped some tears my heart aches...mom gonna proud her son crying over some manhua :/

BL MC never choose good, least sus and green flag men. (Sob* my Cain)

你和我呀两小傻子啊 asked a question

I know this isn't novel site but anyone of you guys buying physical books of danmei? (Except famous ones like tgfc, svss, MDZS and xiao mogu)

Any recommendations that worth buying (Chinese sub ones) I have c language, earth is online, I ask my deskmate to teach me(idk in eng) and some un-famous ones, and want to buy more...

你和我呀两小傻子啊 asked a question

I know this isn't novel site but anyone of you guys buying physical books of danmei? (Except famous ones like tgfc, svss, MDZS and xiao mogu)

I asked my mom to show me my kid pics and all are Stoopid unidentifiedable creature with drools everywhere, seems like I'm not a crazy seme material

MC didn't change clothes for 18 chapters. Bro is Naruto's son.

你和我呀两小傻子啊 answered question about question
Bro goes for toxic manhua and talked how toxic they are.
你和我呀两小傻子啊 created a topic of Healer

I absolutely loved the novel, second fav after that guide novel one. Definitely didn't expect to have a manwha and most importantly, MC is so cute????? Pain and sufferings await my boy

Bro wants a sadist abusing kidnapper, but get a soft gentleman kidnapper. No I m not jealous not at all

MC is smart I love him..Gotcha ML!! *Evil laugh*

I come back after 1 month, read the last chapter, and bleach my eyes, bye. I will come back 2 months after.

Mr Dior would be the greenest among modern toxic Chinese male leads. Bro might lose his memory but never his hubby. And the way MC find out all ML did for him in the past is so touching.
(Btw, MC's father is always a villain in ML's fictional brain lol)