The bond between TJ and Ian I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like it before. TJ's obsession with Ian, binding him with tight chains, and Ian's loneliness, which added even more chains to himself.
It makes both of them suspended in a prison, bound to each other. And because they are bound, neither of them feels free. No one can love the other without ignoring the chains that tie them, which have left marks and pain. It’s true that TJ loves Ian deeply, but he has left him with wounds and brokenness, and even when Ian moves away from the chains, the scars won’t fade.
I see Ian as someone shattered, fragile, and deserving of love, a love he never truly had. Honestly, I deeply love Ian’s character. I don’t know how to describe it, but he is someone with warmth. He’s pure inside, yet forcibly tainted. I don’t know, but he feels like a child who’s been left alone in this world.