Natsumi, also known as “Hamu-chan,” hustles at her demanding office job like a hamster running i...
- Author: Kamuc
- Genres: Josei / Adult / Smut / Comedy / Office Workers / Romance / Slice of Life Comedy Office Workers Romance Slice of Life
Spicy scenes where amazing but their love story and relationship felt bland
Can someone tell me at which chapters we see why they fought in middle school ? I'm curious about that plot but I don't want to read it
"With some practice, you might get used to it."That's what his friends said after ask...
- Author: NABARA Shouko
- Genres: Adult / Smut / Yaoi
The way he's so mad at the money he hates it so much he doesn't even want to see it near his mama LMAOOOOOO, I love this comic so much
Why Korean writers don't want their characters to use LUBE
I'm a part of y'all that find the dynamics between Big Potato and our daddy wolf weird as fuck and wish that the author would stop doing that but please stop with the big ass novel in the comments like the author is here to read what you have to say...
The crush that Big Potato has is not going away from what we know because the dynamic is popular in China. Now it's just annoying that you come every chapter commenting a long paragraph about how it's uncomfortable for you. I think we got it now like, what the comments are gonna do ?
The translator even warn us about it so we can just ignore the uncomfortable parts... Leave or stay but those long complains need to stop
The dungeons are a wild place where anything can happen, and they need the best of the best to keep ...
- Author: Chili
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Yaoi / Webtoons
- Author: Misaka Niumu
- Genres: Adult / Doujinshi / Yaoi
Haruomi, a new farm owner who has inherited the farm from his grandfather, witnesses his employee Ak...
- Author: Road yomotsuki
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Age Gap / Beasts / Romance Age Gap Beasts Romance
Thought I would see a cute story between two cuties but wtf with all this cheating ???