Personally Drawing and painting has been with me through my ups and downs. Whether I'm happy or sad. It lets you escape to a world created of your creation. It's a good feeling to have. Even if you think your art work is bad someone else is going to find it Beautiful, amazing, and awesome. I've been drawing since I was four and I plan to keep goin......
Yea I do. I started to draw when I was a kid but of course it was all just for fun. I think I stopped drawing when I was about 11 or 12? And when I met my best friend, that's when I started to draw seriously. Like, without the influence of my friend group at that time, I honestly don't know what I could be doing as a hobby. Art isn't something that......
I sure do! I've been drawing for about 4-5 years, I'm actually going to art college this September. I enjoy doing mostly digital art, but it's fun to move on to paper from time to time. I actually have a hard time with drawing now... You know the feeling when you start a drawing all hyped and ready to spend hours on it but you get to the point ......
I always wanted to keep this to myself but I'm trying to grow through it. I once wrote a love letter to my crush and told my best friend to send it for me at the end of class. This was the last day for class before summer break started. Instead, my best friend gave it to my crush a few minutes before class was dismissed. My crush opened it and read......
Do you enjoy drawing?