I love shachou and I think he is a good fit for her. :D
Btw is this manga over? Like its been too long since update? Is that all? She just leaves????

Assuming. The Author went on hiatus back in 09 and haven't dropped a single thing about this since so just taking it as in this manga is dead and wont finish. So cliff hanger?? I liked it genuinely but I guess we won't ever know who she ends up or if she becomes the famous actress liked she worked towards. Sucks

Why do I feel a sad ending coming? I feel like this "sickness" of hers will come back worse and somehow she and him would marry which was combine their lands, but she will die early from her sickness at end...why do I feel like this is going to happen.... :(

I feel the same :/ Where finally they may ends together and now she is slowly dying :'(
I want lambert to have someone now, he was so cute and sweet, loving the seme and being so kind. I really want to see him get with someone who cherishes him too. :(
Same. I want him to find another love that loves him dearly.
Maybe Timmy or the long haired blonde? They seemed to be okay with a little homoeroticism here and there.