HereWeScreamSilently's feed

I constantly see 'it's fiction, not reality'. Honestly, I disagree. Stuff doesn't happen in a bubble. Things have a domino effect in society. Pop culture, tiktok, how trends set the tone, etc etc. Can't be blind to that shit.

Honestly I think ppl underestimate just how dumb humans can be. You gotta be joking if you think majority of ppl out there are capable of any media literacy.

And the consequences of that is more shit stories on my feed. So yea, I absolutely do care about this because like hell I want to see more gr@pe on my feed.

So is censorship the answer? Nope. Authors can write the stuff they want. But you know what's not forbidden? For those that want better content and amazing love stories or even just spicy smut with consent, we are demanding better. Just like how authors are allowed to post stuff that's literal trash, we are also allowed to criticize and denounce it.

The reason why these yaoi authors pump so much souless thwop thwop r@pe drivel out there is because there's a market for that stuff. And I want to be as vocal as I can about this so I and others like me see stories that are better written. I want that for my peers.

I want more better stories to go mainstream. R@pe is always going to exist one way or the other in yaoi, but I don't ever want it to dominate the front page or define what's popular, because that sets a precedent for authors to write terrible stories for the hope of getting more exposure.

I've been on this website a while and I've noticed a general craving for well written BLs with epic love stories here. We control the narrative folks, so don't ever forget it. Advocate for that shit. Let authors know you aren't as easily gonna be swayed for a few chaps of that thwop sclorp shclick shlick. Lol

I am glad I see lots of people denouncing Zhenya in the comments. Makes me proud lol