Negatia's experience ( All 0 )

Negatia's answer ( All 2 )

about question
If I had to pick one it'd be Blood Link. The worst manhwa I have read. Nothing against the author or artist, I just can't stand it.   2 reply
7 days
As a person who absolutley craves stories that deal with tragedy and difficult themes, I feel like I can answer this question for you! I understand why some people would avoid reading tragic stories. As an emotional person myself, I whole heartedly can sympathise with the desire to steer clear from things that leave you feeling torn or broken. Ive ......   2 reply
11 10,2019

Negatia's question ( All 2 )

about question
What is the most visually stunning BL/GL you've ever read? Include multiple if you feel like it.

I spent like 20 minutes writing about manhwa I dislike, so let's get some positivity out here ✍
7 days
about question
I don't know about anyone else, but Yuri has never felt like it's for me.

I'm a sapphic-inclined person and I read a lot of yaoi. Most Yuri I've seen just isn't interesting to me. Female leads don't feel like they're allowed to be masculine or hold their own (not that many yaoi protagonists can, but they receive different characterization). I'm into narratives with darker themes that involve hardship, horror, and tragedy (very shonen-esque)— and I haven't found a GL that can pull that off without feeling destitute or downright fetishistic.

Does anyone else feel this way? Or have GL Manga recommendations?

TLDR: Looking for GL that looks like BL.
7 days

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