Crowfly293 created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Got to respect how smart the governor is though. Definitely done/doing fucked up shit but he's hot

Crowfly293 created a topic of 19 Days

This is the only series that I have consistently and obsessively read as soon as updated for this long - over 3 years now. It's very unlike me, idk where this patience and endurance comes from lol

Crowfly293 created a topic of 19 Days

I have full confidence in how well thought-out this story has been and I feel like Jian Yi and Xixi's time is coming. It makes total sense that they would be slower coming around. Xixi probably never thought about another guy like that in his life, but he clearly cares alot about Jian Yi and I think he is conflicted about itln what way. I don't think he would act on anything and risk hurting him without being completely sure of himself.

Mo and He Tian are both so aggressive, the tension was bound to push things forward at a faster rate. Plus their storyline pulled the 4 together as friends and introduced more of He Tians family which is clearly connected to Jian Yi and will be more important in understanding whatever is going to happen when they're gone.

I haven't read back in a while and I don't know if the timing was ever clear but I always thought from the "future" chapters and since their family's are connected that Jian Yi would leave around the same time as He Tian? Though I also feel like if it is only He Tian leaving, this may be a catalyst for xixi.