The way I just slowly closed my eyes and whispered “oh shit” like yeah speak confidently brother, may you stay in one piece as Ceaser hopefully never finds out that you have in fact seen his lover fully nude and are now talking about kissing one another but who are we kidding you speaking those words with him in same hotel has for sure somehow tickled his ears and now our dear lawyers ass is most likely going to be wrecked and you may lose a body part, most likely the peen
I swear every chapter more and more questions pop up and this chapter answered one of them and added like 80 more questions cause hell fucking no your thought process was actually “oh my sunshine is losing its brightness, well let’s have it be abso-fucking-lutely eclipsed by the moon and abused while I ‘date’ a female for months with zero contact” might as well just fucking beat him yourself at that point, taken the club from yo father and beaten him too, family bonding time everyone let’s see who can mentally scar the redhead quicker yaaaaay so much fun
We are never seeing semes legs ever again lol, those bad boys are staying forever nice and snug inside some jeans, I mean it wasn’t the most flattering tatto yeah but it wasn’t so eye bleeding bad that this needed to be the answer, it was actually quite easy to ignore but nope, gone be the legs, may the glutes and leg muscles be missed with the tattoo
Ima beat this man into the GROUND, no fucking shit he is a virgin the dudes just called em his privates, he has the brain of an innocent sweet baby angel, and the man lives a sheltered life in a fucking small community, poor thing probably wouldn’t even know how to access porn even if it was already typed out for him, like NONE of this doesn’t scream virgin to you but maybe it’s cause your deaf considering he says no and you keep going about your day