Noi created a topic of Unsleep

These himbos deserve each other

Noi created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Isn’t that table made out of marble or something? Like damn I’m amazed he didn’t break the table

I feel like he knows it was actually her, but he decided to let her leave.

This is written so damn well, and the emotions of the characters is just *chef’s kiss*

Noi created a topic of Scandalous Wedding

At least the emperor will allow gay marriage right?

Noi created a topic of Dear, 00

I support Eve’s rights, but more importantly I support Eve’s wrongs! Eve worked too damn hard to save humanity, so if Eve does something bad-I think it should be excused!

Noi created a topic of Fukakouryoku no I Love You

Actually at least he was being fair when he said that he won’t talk to any girls, and she won’t talk to any boys. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

And girl has already been told that he’s a red flag, and she said she would still love him like that! I think he’s gonna bring out his true self now

Noi created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

Megumi must be an excellent teacher since he made Tsugumi pass a difficult test in just 2 days lmao Now I’m going to need that garbage of a dad to approve their marriage so Tsugumi can get marked

Noi created a topic of Wedding Strategy

I think that the “change” happened because the girl was supposed to be picking fruits in the jungle, and the guy was supposed to be climbing the tree. They themselves switched their roles lmaoo The girl even said that guys would normally be climbing the trees

She really stopped lauv from committing a murder scene lmao

Noi created a topic of Bloodbound

They’ve been making them way too short and way too good lately

I wanted the blonde guy to be with the guy who made the costumes bc I think it would’ve been a cute story

Noi created a topic of Wedding Strategy

I feel bad for the girl like she’s stuck with all these lame guys while the main guy gets all the pretty cool girls

Noi created a topic of Your Kiss Scene!

Poor girl she’s just trying to do her job and all these things keep happening TT^TT I hope she gets a promotion after this bc after all the shit they put her through

Noi created a topic of I'll Save this Damn Family!

I love it when the guy falls first, and I know what Kyle’s going to do lmao

Aaron has been holding back using the full potential of his beauty

I feel like even if Ivor leaves, Talon will definitely bring him back no matter what-like the dude’s got an eternity to bring him back And he just took down the demon lord like it was nothingIvor has no escape now!

Noi created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

What if his dad is in the mafia or something?

Noi created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Oh so this is why the seme had the uke restrain himself