this misunderstanding is completely understandable though so idk why ppl r getting mad at mc for getting stuck in his head bc honestly i would too. when u like someone u freeze up when it comes to confrontation about something soooo and this kinda seems a LITTLE bit like a slowburn which i am here for honestly and i say little bit bc theyve done some naughty things together (??)

beastiality shouldn’t be a thing its just gross

I mean, bipedal, talking sentient beings that have culture, civilization, currency and armaments are the last thing I would consider as 'animals' just because they look like thrice-removed cousins of wolves and dogs.
Because if that's the case, we'd be lower animals too because we look like thrice-removed cousins of primates. (=・ω・=)

he needs to go to therapy and talk to a psychiatrist asap. he needs to gain mental stability before ever creating a relationship with someone. he’s too mentally damaged right now and is not seeking professional help.. instead he is using this poor guy as an emotional outlet. he's too hung up on an illusion of happiness but he doesn’t seem to quite grasp that in order to be happy with yourself and the people around you, you need to stop comparing it to a fantasy cause then you’ll continuously disappoint yourself.
This story is really frustrating. I have thrown my phone across the room out of shock, irritation, and frustration because of the things that happened that are absolutely outrageous. I also found myself thinking, what the fuck does the author intend to do? because it’s getting a little dragged out. The seme has had hardly any growth at all since the first chapter. And when it does seem like he’s gaining some growth, he drops back down to square one. It’s a bit exhausting to read but i can’t seem to look away because in some ways i do understand the way the semes mind just starts spiraling out of control but at the same time, when stuff like that happens, you’re aware that something is not right with you and you need to seek help for answers as to way you behave and do the things you do.
It took me 3 hours to binge read this and honestly i think this is, by far, the 2nd most irritating and annoying story i’ve read.
i cant follow along or understand anything in ch7