knothim's experience ( All 0 )

knothim's answer ( All 3 )

There's a lot more of us out there than you think, you just never hear about us cause we're pretty invisible. There's all this lgbtq+ discourse and stuff out there but most fail to mention demi and especially ace. You might just not have found the right person yet or you may be aro/ace. I wasn't worried about never being in a relationship cause the......   2 reply
31 10,2019
This friend told you that your ex was too good for you? He doesn't sound like much of a friend. If you feel like you're not ready for a relationship, don't get into one just because you're being pressured. You're not an asshole for not wanting to be in a relationship. If this guy really does like you, he won't push you and will be ok being just fri......   1 reply
09 09,2019

knothim's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

It was because I thought life was harsh on me, I was very young and how the society works was already eating me up.

1 hours
did tried to kill yourself

but now i live a happy and fufilled life :), friends, mindfullness, spending time with nature, going to the gym, eating well, all helped me!

3 hours
did tried to kill yourself

i have sm attempts but one attempt is still fresh to my mind, when i was a kid i wanted to off myself and i tried to strangle myself..

5 hours