OwO's feed

OwO created a topic of Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!

You people thinking the demon really went out to eat using another human are so DENSE. It's obvious it's for the realization arc. Or are you just mad the demon did not end up being an asshole r*p*st like you ASSUMED based on ch10????
Aside from being vague/somewhat manipulative with his words and what he did for the 1st couple he hasn't done much demonic shit to Yusa, besides he IS strong so if he wanted to kill YAGI he would've done so already but he didn't.
On the other hand YAGI is plotting to have him exorcised the moment he gets an opportunity and is clearly manipulating Yusa to do it and yet you're DEFENDING fcking YAGI???????

Yagi isn't even innocent or "better", he said it himself, he did not touch Yusa out of kindness, he's ALWAYS had ulterior motives just that he never got the chance to do anything YET

YAGI can go die idc what y'all YAGI defendor yapping about