Soooo I went through all of the sopilers I could find in this thread:
And now everything is a blur @_@
Sssssso I wanted to do a little timeline thingy for people who are having a hard time keeping up and for myself cause I'm sure as hell not going to remember all of the things I just read. As you already saw the source is the forum I linked above and if there are some of you who wants highlights and fluffy things translated without any context, you really should go there. So many good things.
Also for people who are interested the novel is being translated (MTL'd, not a regular translation) on wattpad:
Anyway, so lets get into the plot. apologies on my poor english XD Also I hope I understood clearly everything that was said, but i may have made mistakes ETC so don't slaughter me in the comments.
- The first main big thing that is going to happen is lady Elrads magic over Yennis palace. Well, that magic is going to cause Yenni terrible nightmares and his purpose is to cause Yenni to die in her sleep. For two weeks her state is slowly getting worse and by the time she seeks Eddy's help she pretty much collapse in his arms. Then Eddy refuses to take her back into her palace and decide to get her into his chambers (different rooms but hey).
He knows that Elrad is responsible but when he reaches for her she disappears for a while. Not long after we discover he KNOWS Elrad is a black magic user. He was suprised Yenni knew that.
- After all of this mess Eddy is more keen towards getting Yenni the fuck out of Belgoat and is willing to make some sacrifices for this to happen. I am not too sure about this step but they are way more involved here, and both in a bad space knowing that Yenni will soon not be in the palace.
- When lady Elrad is back again she threatens Eddy with Yennis life, telling him that she will kill Yenni if he won't make her his empress.
Ok so before we continue. The novel is translated on wattpad as we speak and is on chapter 30, which is stated to be pretty much the point we are now on the manhwa. This is important because their first kiss is on chapter 66 of the novel and the next things I say depend on this timeline. The spoilers kinda lost me at that point, so I'm not that sure about their circumstances.
Buttt from what I could understand.
If we go a while back, I'm really not sure at what point, but while visiting the temple Yenni meets a god named Raulus. The god knows that she is not part of their world but he is not responsible for that (he asks her why is she there, so nobody has any clue why is this happening). She tries to make him help her saving Eddy but he insists he can't intervene.
But apparently she can be saved by him if she will become a priestess and be selected by him, which means she'll get divine power by her own. However, he can do this every 10 years, and since he chose his candidates 5 years ago, the next time he will be able to do this is by 5 years. So there's all kinds of fun there that I will not get into cause I got pretty lost myself.
A lot of things happen at this point. Either way sooner or later all of the tension results into an aftermath. Yenni is nearly killed, Eddy and lady Elrads have a fight with their powers and all (XD). Lady Elrad has a connection to the death god or something, Heidis. She uses his powers and summon him.
Then Yenni forcefully kiss Eddy to use his divine powers and summon Raulus. That results into Heidi taking control over lady Elrad's body and going undercover.
It gets complicated so from this point:
General plot wise - I won't get into it but Eddy then need 2-3 years to cleanse Belgoat after lady Elrads stupid evil plan and catch Heidis which is in Elrads body.
Romance wise - So basically at this point Yenni is about to leave Belgoat although her nor Eddy wish for it. The road is good to go at any moment and Yenis dad sent his man to get her back. Then one night there is the most sweet confession from Eddy that makes Yenni cry. He asks her to keep away from him and it's really tragic.
After that Yenni asks him to go to the temple before leaving Belgoat. He grants her that and visit her in the temple every few days. And after she was taken back to Lebovny, and they didn't meet for two years. They exchanged letters all of the time though.
Two years later, Eddy sent Yenni a letter asking for her hand in marriage but never got an answer. That's cause Yennis familly disapproved of their relationship and never let Yenni see the letters he sent her from that point onward. Either way from here on they have a meet cute after two years apart, Yenni got prettier and father got a haircut. They are so sweet and touching, especially Eddy, which is so fun when he takes the lead! Also they did the deed before their marriage which is honestly shocking.
So by the end they are married, but in the side stories we get info on children ETC, it took them a couple years to decide on the children thing and by the end they got two kids - one's a boy, one's a girl, both terribly look alike of their father, which is a bummer for Eddy that wanted a cute pink haired kid but never got one :'>
Well so that is everything I know, I hope I didn't make any mistakes~ I guess we'll see if I'm right in the near (hopefully) future :D
I am so obsessed with this right now god I can't even
2020-06-05 06:14 marked