I really can’t remember the specifics, but they’re two gangs and they like fight bad the bad ppl of the town. Person A is inlove with person B and every time they meet person a is an ass to person b bc they’re in love with him and shy. I remember there’s this one chapter where person a loses his glasses and he can’t see at all so he’s hella nice to person b and person b is like???? Wtf??? Anyway, sorry this is is hella bad summery but i can’t remember much and i really wanna read this one again!!!
Hey guys! So recently I’ve been thinking about this really old Free!! Dj i read forever ago and it was a Makoto X Haru dj where Makoto was kinda psycho? And like, locked Haru up with an ankle chain? I really can’t remember much more than that but if anyone knows what it is it’ll be greatly appreciated!!!!!