Can someone explain what’s going on with aki bc im so confused ;;

When aki and chizuru were kids, chizuru was a tomboy and strong which led to aki thinking chizuru was a boy. When he found out he had a crush on chizuru he thought he was gay and went to consult his sister. His sis is a big ole fujioshi so she saw this as an opportunity to make fiction reality and convinced him to cross dress so chizuru would confront him about it. But chizuru ended up thinking that aki had just been a girl the whole time instead of realizing he’s just crossdressing. Because of this misunderstanding aki ended up pretending to be a girl because that’s what he thought chizuru would be into and he did that for years. Then when they got to middle school and had to wear uniforms he found out chizuru had been a girl the whole time and realized that the past few years of him altering his life to become a girl had been a waste of time. He becomes super resentful and wants to make her miserable because she ended up altering his life so much hence why he’s always a bitch to her. But even tho he’s super resentful cause of the misunderstanding I’m pretty sure he’s still in love with her. Oh my that was a lot. Um if your still confused feel free to ask me :)
cant stand either of them, for different reasons
glad i'm not the only one TT