So I came to see what all the fuss is about on yaoi fan pages and ended up reading all 14 chap straight till 1am. Couldn't put this down, and I don't usually like horror. If I can add my two cents in I think far too many people are reading this in the romance mindset when it is supposed to be a horror story. As a terrifying, suspenseful, edge of your seat, piss your pants story, this is aces. I have so many theories on how it might end and they are all terrible because it's horror, but the author has surprised me so much already I'm sure they'll come up with something I didn't think of!...

Well since the English publisher dropped this can someone please start scanlating again?! The Japanese is on Vol. 8 already.
Please I want to know what's going on between Kondou and Hinamori! Raws just aren't the same!

Ohmai, really?! Why did they drop it?! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Ive been following it here, but I can't read Japanese really so I think it's on vol. 8?

I think someone is doing the translating here already. IIRC they're translating the missing chapters.. im not sure.
How dare this be a oneshot!! This would be an amazing series! Curse you universe!!
Indeed, but it was short and bittersweet. The rating system is odd though, more realistic, emotive manga's like this get stuck in the 7's, whereas tripe like "A man like you" which most commentators don't think is very good, get's a 9 rating.