1. People who decide that no one can critisize or say anything bad about "their" manga, as if the comments are only there for good opinions instead of all opinions, including negative. They have the audacity to say that. 2. When people understandably point out how bad rape is glorified, then some people are like "GtFo, YoU sHoULd'Ve rEaD ThE TaGs......
I HATE HIGHSCHOOL DxD SOOOOO MUCH. seriously, my fellow otaku friends are boys and they even talked about that anime in front of me. are they stupid? I am a girl after all. they even told me to watch it.. i prefer yaoi porn ofc.. i don't like it when they talked about that anime and To-Love Ru too. they always talked about some sexy girls at those ......
Sword art online is probably the top pick for me. First episodes were incredibly promising with a good plot I could see it going somewhere great with good storybuilding, but they decided to fuck that up and throw it all away by adding unecessary love triangles by having literally EVERY single girl that comes into contact with or even looks at kirit......
diabolik lovers - taking the "weak female character" cliché/trope up 8923 levels - why do all the vampires hate each other - no gay undertones - fight for ur fukcin g self yui
What type of Mangago users get on ur nerves the most?