I understand the huge difference in art styles. I was wondering if the previous work was done solo or they had assistants? I know for a fact studios like ant usually have them aside from the main artist that we already know. The assets are probably there since I see familiar elements but maybe they could have picked one from the team with similar art style but this isn't too bad. It's okay, I guess people are just too used to the old one which I can't blame them. It's valid, especially if you are a visual type that can really have an eye to see the difference.
It's hard to put it into words haha but I get it cause I do see it but also want to give this new artist a chance. They did good. (เนโขใ
Her priorities wtf
Hello??? Shouldn't you be more worried about your grandma??? I feel like she's projecting being nosy or something not minding her own business.