(re: chapter 40) the earl of sandwich is technically not bourgeois only because the bourgeois is a term specific to the capitalist class, and an earl is a rank of nobility. aristocracy is a different class to the bourgeoise, tho the two are not mutually exclusive. the 4th earl of sandwich is still bad because he's an 18th century british nationalist and imperialist AND a noble lol. that elf is wrong regarding the scientific definition, but he's based. commie out.

my biggest hope for a development is for mc to start realising this is reality even if the world follows bl tropes and maybe stop treating people like characters - i feel bad for hatano! he should reject him outright and treat his feelings seriously, even at risk of triggering a flag! well this is still a comedy manga so it might too high of a hope. anyways i love the scenes of mc with his cat or his realistic interactions with his brother and hatano's crush is still cute

the characters are so... bland. so far it just seems like a typical revenge fantasy and while i usually love them this story has nothing that sets it apart from all the others. mc has no character, the stakes are low af, just really boring. but if ur in for some mindless entertainment then go ahead ^^
i need to do unspeakable things to the margave (said with sexual intention)