After reading this again and jogging my memory, it feels like being an alpha and acting like this is an artistic allegory to our society's rape culture.
Keith is every rape apologist that later in life became a girl dad and started loving his daughter yet still is misogynistic to other woman. To them unless it happened to a loved one, it's the victim's fault.

If I had a dollar every time someone was going off about "Art style changed. I'm dropping" I'd be richer than Lion's dad

This! Sometimes it feels like ppl ain’t allowed to express their disappointment, like that’s literally a normal reaction... I was so obsessed with this story so ofc it’s hard for me to get over it! At some point i even bought stuff to support the creators, but I will drop this bc of the overall drop in quality (art, comedy and plot). They still have a special place in my heart though!
It's 307 chapters and they still didn't find out whose baby it is???
They did........