Iwata had impure emotions as well. He was obsessed with Haru being a celebrity. He even broke up with his girlfriend, which is weird because he would have stayed with her if he'd never met Haru. Iwata bragging about him seducing him to Sou chan was wrong. Anyway Sou chan doesn't deserve all this hate. He couldn't just possibly tell everyone he's in love love with his besties little brother. Him moving away allowed Haru to be his own person.

I have so many mixed emotions.. Suha already knows that the Director is still traumatized and worried for his safety. The director knows that locking Suha up just to soothe his own worries isn't the right thing to do. But coming home and seeing Suha gone without so much as a note or a text had to be a little startling for him but once he saw him safe, he should have calmed down. He definitely shouldn't have given us that sickening ass look at the end cuz none of us deserved it and it scares us that he may become a version of that damned red head! Yikes!

We've seen how things like this can go horribly wrong and honestly alot of bad signs are there. However, I think there was some sincerity to what the Dr. said. I believe he pursued Dojun because he reminded him of his brother but I think he's falling for him and honestly they look cute. It might take a while for things to fall into place but I think they will. Side note: I hate when the whole family is together because I can't tell any of them apart!

Onodera is so frustrating, but he loves Takano and we know it. He said it in the anime to Takano in the rain and to Yokozawa in the office. What im most ready to see is Takano's reaction when Ritsu finally chooses to clearly say it. Will he cry? Hug him? The sex will be crazy or maybe he'll just cuddle him all night because he's so at peace hearing the words. Idk. But im ready for them to be honest with each other. No more " will they or won't they?"
I honestly don't know where this is going anymore but noone here needs anymore drama! Can you imagine the red having to help Suha escape the director?? I'm dying jut thinking about it!
Lmao what? Why the fuck would you go to the person who nearly raped you? Red head would be long gone if he got close to Suha.
When the person you know and love turns into someone who hurts and abuses you, you run! You run to anyone to help you. Im not saying he's going to run to redhead. Im no fuckin psychic. Im saying can you imagine if thats where he ran to get away from the Director? IMAGINE??
Yeah well he wouldn’t is the highest probability due to what happened in the past.
And Jiwoon hasn’t gotten that psychotic yet, he didn’t abuse or hurt him aggressively, just not in the right mind but still gentle with Suha. He needs therapist, that’s all. He needs someone who will care for him and lower his trauma issues. I’m sure Suha would understand cause he also has trauma.
And another reason why I was like WHAT to your imagination is because the chances of Suha going to red tampon head is nearly zero. Why? Because Red tampon head is Suha’s trauma.