edop January 13, 2025 2:32 am

Lowkey hope chowon and kyungsoo's daughter shows up and she has a side romance with dojun and heesoo's daughter

    Himiwari January 13, 2025 2:36 am

    Omg I was literally thinking the same thing. I also wonder if Dojin’s older sisters son will pop up.

    HDexterno January 13, 2025 2:48 am

    Yeaaaahhh I'm thirsty for that!

edop August 3, 2020 1:04 am

I came to the comments expecting everyone to be hating on Hye-Sung like usual but I'm SO pleasantly surprised to see people actually being sympathetic and trying to see things from his perspective, it makes me so happy. Hye-Sung isn't the only one who's gotten some character development lmao

Also, side note, I love when Hye-Sung casually leans against Dojin, its such a simple but loving gesture (≧∀≦) we love casual cuddles in this house

edop January 3, 2020 4:08 am

I know ppl are joking abt the body hair (specifically around his ass) but tbh I actually find myself appreciating it a lot more than I expected solely for the realism,,
And call me preachy but to the ppl who actually do have a lot of body hair and don't shave it, don't mind the ones saying it isn't sexy or making fun of it and stuff like that lol do what u want with ur own body!

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