Hello, is this still being translated? If not, I would be happy to provide translations for untranslated chapters, however I cannot type-set, clean, or do any of the other things. If someone would like the translations to use, mail me.
I have manga studio so I could put in the translations but I'm new to it so they won't be as neat as some people who who have experience with it .
Can't you go and help the scanlation group who needs help? They will be more then happy to have translators.
Hello, is this still being translated? If not, I would be happy to provide translations for untranslated chapters, however I cannot type-set, clean, or do any of the other things. If someone would like the translations to use, mail me.
I have manga studio so I could put in the translations but I'm new to it so they won't be as neat as some people who who have experience with it .
Can't you go and help the scanlation group who needs help? They will be more then happy to have translators.