Phanty want to do ( All 1 )

make fujoshi friends

Phanty's experience ( All 0 )

Phanty's answer ( All 142 )

about question
Love is an illusion.   1 reply
23 days
Friends with benefits to lovers. I HATE it when they fuck without any love or feelings for eachotherrrr, like oh yeah lets just have sex and be casual avout it??? Ik it's realistic that people irl just hook up but UHGGHHGG. And then it gets WORSE bcs one of them will be like "s-so like.. i have feelings for you" and then its all akward bcs "we just......   1 reply
27 days
THIS GUY While not necessarily problematic, he does get too much hate imo. Especially for chasing Miles and lashing out at him like that, but JUST THINK. You're a middle aged overworked man who is the big boss of a gigantic group of people from different universes and they all have superpowers. You have lost your daughter, and then lost her AGAIN ......   5 reply
31 05,2024
about question
I was making an exam and didn't even notice   reply
23 05,2024
Phanty 21 05,2024
Woooo me too! Except it's highschool. Just gotta survive my exams   reply
21 05,2024

Phanty's question ( All 19 )

about question
Phanty 11 05,2024
Switzerland won with the first ever nonbinary person, Nemo, and i'm so proud of them!!
(Ik about the boycott, but you should still suppoert the artists imo. All the.. stuff going on around Eurovision was.. god. Fuck the EBU though -a Dutch person)

What was your top 5?
11 05,2024
about question
The kind of trope you love a LOT, but it's so specific that it's hard to find/search for. So i'm not talking abt "there was only one bed".

I mean like, "person being transferred/isekai'd to another world where they are clueless about the culture there and end up asking someone for their hand in marriage"
04 05,2024
Not eat it, just chew on it.
I searched for it on google but everyone ha the urge when they were pregnant.
And i'm not.
09 07,2021
about question
Phanty 26 04,2021
Will post pic in replies :D
26 04,2021
about question
Phanty 08 03,2021
There r just some moments in manga that just make me melt like uhggh so cute :}
For example:
-nuzzling in lover's neck
-nuzzling and cuddling in general
-kissing lover's hands
-s p o o n i n g
-kissing/smeeling (whatever they do?) Their lover's hair while they are sleepingg
-wearing lover's clothing and liking the smell :)
-falling asleep with heads against/on top of eachother
-the TIGHT hug. Your hands on the other's back with their head buried in your shoulders
-hugging lover's back while they are doing something
-lying down on lover's lap while they are doing something
-NICKNAMES: sunshine, sweetheart, honey, darling, precious, my love, dearest, beloved

and yes, i'm touch-starved.
Please add if u know something that gives you a massive heartsqueeze :D
08 03,2021

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

1 days
did made a discord server


1 days
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

1 days