Phanty asked a question

Guy that has a horn growing out of his head and can see music and wants to become a musician

Phanty answered question about question
Phanty answered question about question
12 hours and 51 minutes
Phanty asked a question

Yaoi with praise kink :D can be bottom or top, i dont mind
(Also with the praise kink being a kind of central thing, so not just one "good boy" *blushes* in 40 chapers)

Phanty asked a question

Something similar to witch hat atelier?
I really like the mentor student stuff and the way children are treasured in it :D
(K sounds weird but I really like it in fiction when they acknowledge that adults have a duty to protect kids ig?)

Phanty answered question about question
School has been kicking my ass
Phanty answered question about question
Because I haven't given up.hope that one day I'll maybe look slightly like him I'll need to steal testosterone first though Oh and fanfics, i fucking love fanfics And fresh apples
Phanty asked question about question

Something that most people dislike but you actually like or actively search for. For me for example, it's honestly the growling Like yeah man, grrr. Go wolf mode

Phanty answered question about question
OSCAR ISAAC!!!!! Genuinely never found irl people that attractive, it was always just "oh they look nice!" Or "why can't i be them ugh" BUT THIS GUY AGRHSHXH drop dead gorgeous, i want him to adopt me, marry me, hold my hand, or be my bff
Phanty answered question about having friends
We don't celebrate halloween We DO however celebrate Saint Martin's day! You basically go around with a lantern and get candy (similar to halloween) after sining a song. There's also a bigg bonfire we all gather around. (The story is abt this Roman guy cutting off a piece of his cloak to give to a beggar. So the celebration is abt sharing and dona......
Phanty answered question about question
Got wasted and acted like a dog My friends even started treating me like one and sprayed me with water when i tried to drink even more.
Phanty answered question about character obsession
Toji from jjk We're 100% the same. I too got shamed by my family for not being able to see curses. Had to dump my son with some emo gay some and recently got brought back to life by a grandma. Physically we're also 1:1 i've got the sluttiest waist ever and can break a watermelon with my tits. Personality wise we're just copy-paste, like i'm his cl......
Phanty asked a question

Isekai bl where the mc arrives in a dom/sub verse world where people have animal ears and stuff. There he realizes he became a sub and needs a dom so he chooses the mysterious nice lion guy with the mask (who apparantly has to wear that bcs his glare is too strong) mask guy is reluctant but they eventually warm up to eachother

Phanty asked a question

Anyone know some stories abt passage of time/aging, but like in a positive way? Pls rec

It's my bday tomorrow, but i'm not rlly looking forward to it

Phanty answered question about question
Prince among wolves by Wrennefer It's a teen wolf fic with GREAT slowburn (Stilss x Derek). It's about Derek being a single werewolf dad with two wild kids, and Stiles becomes the babysitter (No knowledge of Teen Wolf required) Oh I love it and I hate it at the same time by Coffe4life Spider-man across the spider-verse where Miles' parents die and......
Phanty like the answer
When it’s porn manhwa for men with fl having way too big boobs+ jiggle physics, panty shots I absolutely despise that shit they RUIN MY DAY
Phanty answered question about question
Hii!! I'm the person who asked this question and tysm for all the replies! ^^ Since I definitely DONT have the motivation, drive, or talent (i'm good at drawing sure, but not the kind of good you need to get in an animation studio) to strive for working in the art industry.. i'd like to be able to pay for food + have a job without getting a severe......
Phanty asked question about question

I know this is stupid to ask on an illegal manga site, but I figure most of you go to school/are studying to be something soo Give me some recommendations on what jobs I could choose to study for that you wanna do or are doing. I wanted to do something with art, but I have low motivation and it's a Really competitive field. Giving up on my dreams......

Phanty answered question about talking on walkie talkie
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.        They may not mean to, but they do.    They fill you with the faults they had     And add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn     By fools in old-style hats and coats,    Who half the time were soppy-stern     And half at one another’s throats. Ma......