i love bottoms that are eager to be fucked and will do anything to make sure that they're gonna get that dick tonight like yeah thats my power bottom !!!
Haha yeah same. Dokjoong fans are such a rare species. I've only found comrades on twitter and the discord server, it's nice to see dj fans on other sites
Haha yeah same. Dokjoong fans are such a rare species. I've only found comrades on twitter and the discord server, it's nice to see dj fans on other sites MADnightstar
yea they're so rare especially the non-reversible ones. also are you perhaps in the dokjoong nation discord server? the one that brit and bim made (major dj account on twt)
yea they're so rare especially the non-reversible ones. also are you perhaps in the dokjoong nation discord server? the one that brit and bim made (major dj account on twt) dokjoong
Oh yes I am. But I'm only a lurker, I don't use discord much. Are you in it too?
someone ik irl is as freaky as heonjae lmao