I hope fujoshi-san doesnt turn into a total obnoxious fujoshi trope and realizes it is not her relationship to decide those things for actual people. I am glad she showed up though. But other than that, about whoever is top or bottom, why not have both?

Exactly. That what I thought as well.
Thank you.

That's what I love so much about this manga, that they both just decide on who's top or bottom based on what they're feeling up for (like in the latest release). Not saying that all gay relationships are like that, but the way most yaoi mangas have the logic of "once a bottom, always a bottom" or "being on the bottom is the worst because it's the 'girl's role'" is seriously annoying.
And I agree, I really hope she doesn't turn into the obnoxious resident fujoshi. It's almost always either this or rude, clingy girls when it comes to females in yaoi. It's none of your business what someone's preferred sexual position is, and deciding for yourself based on physical appearance is rude, homophobic and sexist.

I had no idea one of kumota haruko's manga got an anime. Like this is one of my favorite artists, and I had no idea since I've been so busy. I cried. They did a pretty good job I think, and it is beautiful seeing the expressions she captures animated. If you haven't heard please watch Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju. It's on crunchyroll, so support the work and watch it there.

It's called Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju.The only issue is that I have yet to find the manga since not all of the artist's work so far seems to be translated to English? Or perhaps it's licensed? Idk, I would just like to be able to read it somehow. It's focus is on rakugo, a performance art of storytelling, and it is not so much bl, but I think there is some shounen ai still like with all the flashbacks. I was only able to watch the 1st episode last night, it is about 50 minutes though the rest seem average length, and it seem like a deep, quality plot and I look forward to getting caught up.
this reminded me of a few years back. one year in high school, there was a Japanese exchange student who didn't know much English in my math class and the teacher would let us make cheat sheets with our math notes. so as she kept saying "cheat sheet", this kid was literally crying laughing after a few minutes of it, so the teacher asked him why. so he managed to say, "sounds like chichi.. it means... boo b s"
Best story Ever
Seriously!? LOL, that's so funny!.!.!.! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
? but chichi is what you call your dad in japan...did that student happen to know a little Spanish? because chichi is boobs in Spanish. in Japanese boobs is oppai
That is not even close.... books in Spanish is `tetas`(in a vulgar way) or `pechos` (what they're called) and a cute way to call grandpa in Japanese is ogi-chan oder oba-chan for grandma
"Chichi" is used in spanish as well. Is a vulgar and/or childish way of calling the female parts ;)
umm.. that is not a "cute" way ojii-san to oba-san literally means grandma and grandpa. and I don't know why you mentioned grandparents when I was talking about mom and dad ( haha to chichi)
I did not even know that.... so I asked my mom, she said that Mexican say it. ...I'm Puertorican...so.. yeah ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
yeah that's why it gets confusing when you have different types of Spanish
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)yep!
chichi is just a synonym/slang? to oppai. like titties to breasts
idk because chichi means dad. and slang for boobs/boobies is paipai. could the student have meant chinchin? because that is the Japanese equivalent of "peepee" it is the word little boys call their penis. so he could have been hearing chinchin
Actually father(or dad) in Japanese is otousan(informal) and chichue(formal)
i think...chi chi as in ...chinchin....which is penis LOL
ROFLMAO!!!! Love it!!!!
Chichi in Romanian is also boobs, but it's more of a kid term. An adult term I think is tstuh.
I most likely spelled it wrong and there is another term for them, which I also forgot. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
lol XD well chichi is a way to say pee in portuguese so...
Nah , otousan is formal , chichi is informal for dad . Okaasan means mum formally and haha is informal. Otouto is little brother , imouto is little sister, oniisan is older brother , oneesan is older sister. I think obaasan is grandma and ojiisan is grandpa? Well I guess my 1 year of Japanese came in handy but mind you I haven't done it in a while.
Chichi is what you say when you're talking to someone about your dad. “(My) chichi.” If you're referring to your dad directly, you can say otousan, which isn't particularly formal.
Chichi can mean breast, milk, or father: http://jisho.org/search/chichi
chichi in these term is chikubi wich means is nipple
I thought that too lol