Cant be just me who wasnt interested in the heesung x potato sides. Ngl i didnt even bother reading them. Like i like potato, just not so much heesung enough to read about his ass.
Agreed, you used the perfect word to describe them "uninteresting"! They're just boring and uninteresting characters in comparison to the main characters and storyline. Say what you want about the abuse aspect of this story, but the whole MFC fighting world that Mingwa has created is so interesting to read about week to week. Going from Jaekyung's world to the bland storyline and boring world of Potato and Heesung is such a draggg! Mingwa really made the side characters boring in this manga. It's understandable tho since the main character(s) in this manga take so much effort to draw.
He literally did everything they asked and they wanna throw hissy fits at Hakyung. Go fuck yourselves.