I mean like, I don't dislike her but like.... why did they end up having romance moments.... just why... can we no just have like a badass girl that doesn't end up dating the ML?

i think it's because he knows he's going to "die". That's why he said "who would i be spending my last moments with?". I think that's the authors idea of making a hint that the "happy ending" of jinwoo is him being married to the girl. Cause its kinda weird to just drop the bomb in the ending that thay're married without any hints of romance.

I felt like it’s a nice change of pace and shows that he has moments when he wants to feel like a human at least. I mean, nobody wants to work or fight all the time, and like, he knows it’s about to come close to the end so when else could he spend time like this? Also, we know they prbly gonna end up together but right now they’re just hanging out as friends, and I’ve never felt like the girl tries to hold him back or does anything annoying that forcefully pushes her feelings onto him so I have no problems with her, in fact, I liked her more in this chapter XD
Broooo this actual mf