Why so many yaoi start with a rape >:(

rape is an element of a great deal of the romance plot structure, but, of course, it doesn't have to be. Myself, I don't care about rape. I don't seek it out when looking for something to read. I like it sometimes, though. I've never promoted rape, but I do think it's important to respect artist's constitutional right to freedom of expression. I'm not claiming that all authors are just dying to write about rape, and I don't think this is about readers loving to read about rape. I do see how there is a very young generation who have far more objections to what they see as social injustice in real life. That aside, if society puts a ceiling on what author's can write and draw, we'll see far less manga/wha. The reason is because even if the artist has no desire to write about rape, they feel the restriction hanging over their heads. It's very difficult to write and draw when you feel that society is breathing down your neck with a critical eye to make sure you obey their rules. There's also a sense of solidarity. If other artists are feeling that society won't accept their work, many artist will tend to feel that hardship, or even close ranks. In the end, it puts strain on the art world. It's really not about rape. It's about freedom to draw and paint and write what the author desires. It's about freedom, which is perhaps more precious to artists than other parts of society

Actually, you stated that the world enjoys rape and that it is somewaht a necessary element for Yaoi, which is not the case.This may be fiction, but some people are clearly beginning to feteshize rape, which is a big no-no. If only some authors had not started making the rape genre, it would not have spread so drastically. Rape will always be rape and should never be normalized so it shota and many other unnecessary genres.So don't generalize the entire cake because your opinion is only a piece of it, as is mine, and we may have different views and opinions, so we must respect each other and don't act as if you're right because you might not be. Also some author are just clearly making such genres to have fun and they are making the societies norms to be null which not meant to be a thing authors can write anything they want but they should also think or should I say give more attention to some of us readers that are agianst such topic so you might not care about such topic but some of us do eve if its just fiction♡(∩o∩)♡

Your first sentence is a hostile lie. You misspelled fetishize. You misused the term fetishize. a big no no? Why? It's an individual's private business. You have no say in the matter. You clearly do not know what a fetish is or how it is formed.
-This is BULLSHIT! There was rape in romance stories long before the advent of yaoi. There has been rape in yaoi since the very beginning. You do know, don't you, that you're on the wrong side of this issue? You have absolutely no say in what artists do. Fascism is a big "no no." You have no right, but you spread this form of hatred anyway.
Your opinion leads right down a slippery slope. Your opinion is the very same opinion of someone who has no concept of what freedom of speech is or why it's necessary. I don't respect you, so you can dispense with the idea of mutual respect. This genre is for adults, not children with half-baked ideas and a totally spoiled mentality. You think your right to dictate what should be prohibited comes above your fellow man's rights. That's evil. Read what you like. Let others do the same. it's called freedom. You and your friends behavior is reprehensible. If you don't like something, you expect your whims and demands to be catered to. I only hope that there comes a day when your individual rights and freedoms are taken away. I doubt you can even imagine it, which is the entire problem with immature people like you. Live and let live. stop being an evil asshole. You don't know it, but you are one.

Im so sorry about my english specifically spelling and grammar I'm born and raised in japan and I have learned english just recently on my senior year via home schooling so sorry about that♡
Just as you said I have no right to tell what or which should an author write or draw but I think I also have a right to tell my opinion though we have different opinions why dont we just lived with it also Im so sorry maybe my approach was kinda aggressive to you~~
Ok now show me the baby