I actually really liked this even though I didn't like any of the characters (except for Kim Junsik - I really felt bad for the guy). And the art seems like it vastly improved from beginning to end.
Does the translation get any better? It seems like the more I read the worse it gets. Just finished chapter 11 and I'm wondering whether or not I should keep reading.
A decent manhwa. Though one problem I have with it is the faces of each character all look way too similar. Also certain parts kinda dragged a bit. But it was otherwise good. And I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I really wish Dowha got a happy ending as well.
Too many chapters about Dojun and Jinyoung. Main couple is way more interesting.
It's not a bad ending, but I feel like it could have been prevented somewhat if Mujin had told the truth to Cho-Ah. Like, maybe if he explained things from his point of view, Cho-Ah wouldn't have left him in such a hurry.
And now it makes sense. Still though, I wish the epilogue was longer. Maybe there'll be some side stories or a spinoff later on.
What the fuck?? What the actual fucking fuck?? What a shitty, rushed ending. It's called "Darkness Before the Dawn," that implies a happy ending. So what the actual fuck?!
Goddamn, I've never been this pissed after reading a story in my entire life. If I knew it was going to end like this I wouldn't have bothered reading it to begin with.
Seriously, what the actual fuck?
Maybe the epilogue will retcon this entire last chapter. That'd be nice. Fuck, it should've just ended at chapter 74 and kept it open ended. I would have preferred that over (SPOILER) two lines of text that amounts to "they both died in different countries, the end."
Several days? He let that dude fuck Cho-Ah for several days?? That's at least 3 days of Mujin doing absolutely nothing while the guy he supposedly loves is getting wrecked in ths next room. What happened to the badass psycho killer who would murder if someone so much as looked at Cho-Ah the wrong way? Like, I get that he's shocked and going through shit, but holy fuck, he's had plenty of time to snap out of it!
There are almost 60 chapters out and they're free. Also, a bunch of chapters on here are missing, so it won't make as much sense.
It really is a unique and interesting story.
Cute story. I really liked the way the uke was drawn, so that's why I started reading it. The translation has its issues though. I think it really would have benefited from a proof reader. But despite that, it was still readable. I just had to fix some things in my head while I was reading so the dialog didn't sound so unnatural.
I don't mind the rape trope in bl. I like a little noncon in my fiction. But at a certain point even I was like, dude... stop getting raped. Throw a punch or something! For fucks sake!
Also, the protagonist doesn't end up with Kang Dong Hyuk. He stays with his rapist. There, now you don't have to read it and I just saved hours of your life. You're welcome.
The art is beautiful. That said, Idk if it was machine translated or if it's just poorly written (or maybe a little of both), but holy fuck. Never have I seen an official translation THIS bad. I checked out the fan translation to see if it's any better. It's not. In fact it's worse. It's a shame to, because it seems like it would be a great read if more care went into the translation (or possibly the writing, as I'm not sure what the issue is here). I just finished chapter 7 and suddenly they switched from calling the protagonist "her" to him, with no buildup or leading into anything. I still don't know if it's a translation issue or what. Apparently the two characters have had sex, but I'm still confused as to whether or not the love interest knows the main character is a man. Because there was no dramatic reveal, so if he found out about it, it was something he learned off screen, and it was never mentioned again.
All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)
I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk)
On a winter's day (on a winter's day)
I'd be safe and warm (I'd be safe and warm)
If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)
California dreamin' (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day
Stopped into a church
I passed along the way
Well, I got down on my knees (got down on my knees)
And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray)
You know the preacher like the cold (preacher like the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)
California dreamin' (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day
All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)
I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk)
On a winter's day (on a winter's day)
If I didn't tell her (if I didn't tell her)
I could leave today (I could leave today)
California dreamin' (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day
I'm surprised so many people don't like this manhwa. Personally, it's one of my favorites. I love Mujin's character - his struggles, his obsession, his strength. He's badass personified and he's hot as fuck.
Cho-Ah not so much. I actually didn't like him at all at first - he's whiny, naive, and I don't like his glasses. And he doesn't show nearly enough devotion to his badass partner (at least at first). But now his character is slowly starting to grow on me.
I love the plot and think the whole story so far has been very well written. A lot of BLs can be kind of shallow plot wise, but this one has a very intriguing story.
Does anyone know when the official translation for season 3 is coming out? I feel like I've been waiting forever >_>
The artwork is great, but the translation is just awful. I couldn't get past the first chapter. It's like they machine translated, but didn't bother proofreading. They just stuck in the first dialog option that popped up in the translator and were like "fuck it, good enough!"
Guess I'll bookmark it for now and check back in a few months to see if there's an official translation.
Holy fuck, he's not really going to run away without his partner, right? ....Right?
It's a good story, but the translation is just awful. It's kind of hard to believe that any part of that was an official English translation. I'm assuming they used a machine to translate and didn't do any proof reading. I'd really like to re-do it if possible.