Kay created a topic of Dreaming of the Dokkaebi

I fucking love this so much!! Like, more than anything else I'm currently reading! The art and story is just so great!!

Kay created a topic of Ouka - Toga no Chigiri

The first story was meh, but the second story was really good. And the artwork is nice. Though, the artist should work on their fight scenes. That was the one instance where the art was really lacking. Also, there are 11 more chapters of this on coolmic.

Kay created a topic of Dreadful Night
Kay created a topic of Believe My Sign

The translation was a bit off this chapter. It was kinda hard to understand what was going on. Hopefully it's just a one time thing because every chapter before this one has been awesome.

Kay created a topic of A Fine Line

Of fucking course MC ends up with Woojin. So predictable. Now I bet Taejoo will end up with the guy who owns the coffee shop (or was it a bar?). It should be flipped - Taejoo ends up with MC, Woojin ends up with coffee shop guy.

Kay created a topic of A Fine Line

I really hope MC ends up with the army guy (taejoo?). The other guy is such a dick.

Kay created a topic of ROUGE (KATSURA Komachi)

I really liked the first couple... the second one, not so much. He should've left the priest and gotten together with that hot guy at his job.

Kay created a topic of Dead man Switch

Oh nooo what happened to the translation quality?? I was so excited for the new season, I waited until now to read it so I could binge a few chapters, but the translation dipped in quality so much that I couldn't even get past the first chapter =(

Kay created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

I'm really liking Vercion's oppressive brand of love. I don't know why, but characters like this are always my favorite. He kinda reminds me of Mujin from Sura's Lover.

Kay created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

Holy fuck, this is amazing so far!! I love the story and the art style! I really dislike the isekai concept in anime, but when it's used as a plot device in BL, I can't get enough of it.

Side note, I really hate when uploaders insert memes at the end of almost every chapter. That shit is so annoying.

Kay created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I was hoping they'd finally get to fuck. Though, it was a little bit underwhelming, and I was hoping Heongjae would be just a tiny bit nicer.

Kay created a topic of Hyanghyeon Text

That seems like an awful drug. Why the fuck would anyone take that?? It makes you cold, gives you shortness of breath, and makes you hallucinate. Seems more like a drug withdrawal than a high. And $800 is INSANE for a drug that basically turns you into a junkie with minimal reward. NO drug costs that much, wtf!

Side note, I notice this a lot - in anime and manga/manhwa where drugs are shown or mentioned, it's always blatantly obvious that the author has never done or been exposed to drugs. Which is a good thing, but I wish they'd do more research on drugs before writing about them, because when their drug knowledge is based off of what they see in movies/read in comics, then you end up with insane shit like this.

Yeah, it's a weird thing for me to focus on, but it feels like lazy writing in a story that's made me have to suspend my disbelief on quite a few occasions. That being said, I do still really like it thus far. Reading it on tappytoon because I felt bad, having read 3 other stories by this author for free.

Kay created a topic of Profundis

I feel like Shinje could have EASILY saved Heeseong as well.

Kay created a topic of Wolves behind bars

"Due to lack of evidence he was found guilty"...what?

Kay created a topic of Hyper Genius

Skip this if you're reading it for the cover, it's super misleading. Neither of the two stories are in the fantasy genre. And the second story, aside from being completely nonsensical, jumps around too much.

Kay created a topic of Dreaming of the Dokkaebi

Holy fuck, this is so good so far! The artwork is amazing, and I love the story and characters! It kinda reminds me of Fate Makes No Mistakes, but I think this one might be even better! I really like the dynamic between the two main characters. I like this enough that from ch. 9 and onwards I've started reading it on its official site. If anyone else is interested, it's called "Dreaming of the Dokkaebi" on Tappy Toon.

Man, it's going to be rough waiting for weekly updates. I don't normally start reading anything that has less than 50 chapters out for this reason, but the artwork and story seemed so compelling that I couldn't help myself.

Kay created a topic of OUROBOROS:ウロボロス

Aww, the last couple chapters were so nice. I was nervous after he said he was staying with Noyeol, but I'm happy his friends got through to him. Oh and that scene where Boguk, Noa, and Sujo are each talking to him in seperate panels, that part was so beautiful it almost had me in tears.

Kay created a topic of OUROBOROS:ウロボロス

Ch 76 - a bunch of the pages are in the wrong order. And now I'm wondering how many other chapters are messed up.

Kay created a topic of Dreadful Night

I miss this so much! Anyone know what's going on with season 2?

Kay created a topic of Slammer Dogs