So he realized his master didn't tell him his mother was dying, and instead of being mad... he's happy? Make it make sense!
Wow the prince is a piece of shit, just casting Taerim aside like that. I don't like either of them, but I don't think Taerim deserved that. Also, season 2 is waaay better. Season 1 had too much sex and not enough story.
Before I start reading this, does anyone know if it's still being worked on? Or has it been dropped?
Will Albis...
1. Run out of the room in shock
2. Attack Vercion
3. Join in the fun
So flee, fight, or fuck, which will it be?
Oh man, way too much of a cliffhanger! I would love a threesome, but it doesn't seem like the type of thing Albis or Vercion would allow.
Are there more chapters? Even if they're not translated, it's fine. I just want to know if the author is still working on it before I invest my time to read it. Also, is this definitely yaoi? It appears to be Chinese, so I'm wondering if the yaoi is only implied (which if it is, then it's not really yaoi).
This is becoming more and more unreadable as each chapter progresses. That being said, to the person who did the later translations - if you ever want to re-do it, I'm willing to help, so please feel free to reach out!
I really like the fan translation from the previous chapters. For being fan made, they were really good! This one, not so much =/
Where can I read the official translation? It seems like the quality really dropped from the previous chapters to this one.
Before I start reading this, does anyone know if it's still being worked on? Or has it been dropped?
This ended up being really good! Sure, it had it's issues, and the writing could've used some work. But around halfway I think it started to find its stride. And I love the dynamic between Tasara and Nara!
This is really starting to drag on. It started out exciting. But now it kinda feels like it should end soon, but there's still somehow over 100 chapters left I really hope it gets good again.
Why is his dick just an outline? It's weird that the art is so detailed but his dick looks the way it does. Also, does this take place in the US?
Holy fuck, can an asshole really look like that afterwards? It doesn't bounce back to normal like a twat? That's terrifying. Is that where the phrase "gaping asshole" comes from? Please someone tell me that can't happen in real life.