That seems like an awful drug. Why the fuck would anyone take that?? It makes you cold, gives you shortness of breath, and makes you hallucinate. Seems more like a drug withdrawal than a high. And $800 is INSANE for a drug that basically turns you into a junkie with minimal reward. NO drug costs that much, wtf!
Side note, I notice this a lot - in anime and manga/manhwa where drugs are shown or mentioned, it's always blatantly obvious that the author has never done or been exposed to drugs. Which is a good thing, but I wish they'd do more research on drugs before writing about them, because when their drug knowledge is based off of what they see in movies/read in comics, then you end up with insane shit like this.
Yeah, it's a weird thing for me to focus on, but it feels like lazy writing in a story that's made me have to suspend my disbelief on quite a few occasions. That being said, I do still really like it thus far. Reading it on tappytoon because I felt bad, having read 3 other stories by this author for free.