Kay December 18, 2024 9:28 am

Holy fuck, everything about this is amazing

Kay December 9, 2024 5:22 pm

Why are they talking about a literal dead man's switch during class. Is he in some sort of train or airplane class? That seems a bit too on the nose. Way to murder subtlety!

That being said, I do still love this story and I'm happy I waited and have so many chapters to read.

Kay December 9, 2024 12:27 pm

This is getting crazy. To be honest, I'm not super down with the idea of most of them being players, though it is an interesting twist. I wonder if Doha is like, a rogue NPC. Also wondering if we'll ever get to see the real world. I bet it's going to be all futuristic.

Kay November 27, 2024 4:37 pm

I feel like the artist should've gone way weirder with the altar, instead of Stranger Things meets every generic time travel hallucination. It would've been great if we got something similar to the eclipse in Berserk.

    Kay November 27, 2024 4:41 pm

    Forgot to add - I still really like these chapters, and the emotional weight of the hallucination wasn't lost on me. I just wanted it to be weirder because this story has a level of creativity I don't normally see in BL, so I feel like the artist could have used that to her benefit.

    Sh_eisa November 30, 2024 5:07 pm

    Bud why awaken my trauma. Eclipse? You think anyone can handle that? I feel a pang in my heart even at the mention of Eclipse. So No. No more eclipses

Kay November 19, 2024 7:32 pm

When did the blonde haired guy get engaged to Dooshik's sister? Did they ever show that part? I didn't even realize they were together. I barely remember Dooshik having a sister.

    Twinkiepharm November 20, 2024 8:12 am

    No I dont know why the author decided to make them get married when he was never even shipped or associated with her it wouldve made sense if he got together with his side kick or whatever no one even wanted a useless unnecessary hetero couple in this story anyway

    Kay November 20, 2024 9:01 am
    No I dont know why the author decided to make them get married when he was never even shipped or associated with her it wouldve made sense if he got together with his side kick or whatever no one even wanted a ... Twinkiepharm

    Damn... that's a really messed up thing to say. Personally, I wouldn't mind that he's with Dooshik's sister if the author had ever shown them together. Though, I do like the guy with the glasses and was hoping he and blonde got together. So yeah, I agree with the first part of what you said, just not with the last sentence.

    kuks November 20, 2024 8:16 pm

    The thing is their age gap is huge like their age is something 40(man) and 20-24(dooshik sis) years and the side kick had more chemistry than them...

    Slayeon November 21, 2024 5:08 am
    No I dont know why the author decided to make them get married when he was never even shipped or associated with her it wouldve made sense if he got together with his side kick or whatever no one even wanted a ... Twinkiepharm

    U guys are so weird to woman in yaoi stories. Mind you jaeil raised seunghyun as his son and he has ALWAYS been straight. You will get over it

    Twinkiepharm November 21, 2024 5:50 am
    U guys are so weird to woman in yaoi stories. Mind you jaeil raised seunghyun as his son and he has ALWAYS been straight. You will get over it Slayeon

    Mind you I didnt know he raised before I commented that and I have a problem with straight couples I never said I had problems with women in gay stories and I also prefer Dooshik's sister more than that old fuck so dont be talking for me. Also he was obsessed with Dooshik in a non platonic way and the fact that he married his sister is fucking weird I personally think he shouldve stayed single

    Kay November 22, 2024 8:35 am
    Mind you I didnt know he raised before I commented that and I have a problem with straight couples I never said I had problems with women in gay stories and I also prefer Dooshik's sister more than that old fuc... Twinkiepharm

    ...You have a problem with straight couples? That's really messed up. You shouldn't discriminate/hate on people based on immutable characteristics.

    Kay November 22, 2024 8:38 am
    The thing is their age gap is huge like their age is something 40(man) and 20-24(dooshik sis) years and the side kick had more chemistry than them... kuks

    Personally, I don't see an issue with the age gap. But yeah, I do agree that he had good chemistry with the other guy.

    Twinkiepharm November 22, 2024 11:19 pm
    ...You have a problem with straight couples? That's really messed up. You shouldn't discriminate/hate on people based on immutable characteristics. Kay

    I do when its in queer stories they already have so much representation they dont need any more

    Kay November 23, 2024 10:29 pm
    I do when its in queer stories they already have so much representation they dont need any more Twinkiepharm

    Kay November 23, 2024 10:32 pm
    I do when its in queer stories they already have so much representation they dont need any more Twinkiepharm

    I'm going to assume, based on your comment, that you're a kid or a 20-something that just never grew up or went out and lived life... and based on that I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice - this us vs them mentality that you have is extremely unhealthy. You shouldn't have disdain or hate for people based on their sexuality, and I can't believe that this sentiment isn't obvious to some people.

    Moreover, this isn't considered a "queer" story. Boys love in general is typically written by straight females and marketed towards other females. These aren't exactly accurate representations of gay couples. Also, this concept of "representation" you're holding onto is a logical fallacy and is killing good art in the west.

    I get that hating on people based on immutable characteristics (sexuality, race, etc) is trendy and mainstream nowadays, but that doesn't mean you have to go along with it.

    (I posted this reply before and I'm not sure if it went through, so posting it again. Also, mangago changed my emoji... it was supposed to be a person doing a facepalm).

    Twinkiepharm November 23, 2024 11:13 pm
    I'm going to assume, based on your comment, that you're a kid or a 20-something that just never grew up or went out and lived life... and based on that I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice - this us vs... Kay

    Nah fuck the straights and the ugly stupid bitch who made this manhwa I hope the worst for her

    Kay November 24, 2024 8:22 am
    Nah fuck the straights and the ugly stupid bitch who made this manhwa I hope the worst for her Twinkiepharm

    I'm not sure if you understood anything I said, but I genuinely do hope that one day you grow out of this and purge the useless hate that's festering within your heart. Like I said, it isn't healthy.

Kay October 24, 2024 5:08 am

Reading this on Manta right now. They have a bunch of romance and bl manhwa for $10/month. And holy fuck, I love this so far! The artist has perfected drawing the male form. These guys are so fucking hot!!!

Kay October 23, 2024 8:44 am

I call bullshit. Why the fuck would he need to pay back Sehyuk? It makes no sense. The guy is doing the job he was hired to do, which is protecting Hamin. Is it just a weird cultural thing, and that's why I don't get it? Also, why does the mob boss have him doing other jobs? It doesn't make sense for them to live together if Sehyuk is only there sporadically. Like, how is that secure?

Kay October 19, 2024 2:30 pm

Is there sex or any similar moments?

    bibblesb October 23, 2024 2:28 pm

    no smut but much sexual tension

    Flors November 11, 2024 1:16 am
    no smut but much sexual tension bibblesb

    Even better tbh

    Kay November 14, 2024 4:57 am
    Even better tbh Flors

    I prefer the smut... but the art style looks nice, so I'll eventually give it a try.

    Flors November 15, 2024 7:27 am
    I prefer the smut... but the art style looks nice, so I'll eventually give it a try. Kay

    I agree with you, i also like reading smut but damn the sexual tension in this manhwa is something else. Just prepare yourself for the slow burn

Kay October 18, 2024 11:53 pm

That was, without a doubt, the dumbest assassination attempt ever. Why wouldn't they hire someone, or use someone less well known within their clan?? I do like this story, but that was a huge lapse in judgement from the writer.

Kay October 18, 2024 7:03 am

I'm kinda surprised, I thought maybe the letter in the last chapter was a ruse. I didn't think the emperor would die so anticlimactically.

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