arsenic452's experience ( All 0 )

arsenic452's answer ( All 1 )

about work
creeps are creeps no matter how old you are but it certainly make it worse with a child. As for when you're an adult, I think distinguishing who's a nice person with a genuine interest versus who is a creep incel/manosphere hiding how disgusting they are is tricky but always trust your gut feeling. You don't have to justify rejecting someone, to t......   reply
30 07,2024

arsenic452's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did we are screwed

I have an important project submission tomorrow and I haven't started it yet (it's 12:12 am rn)..... I'm cooked, burnt even.

5 hours
did we are screwed

y'all I need to hand in that assignment that I keep ignoring-
*whispers* I think he is staring at me..

5 hours
want to do what do you want in life


9 hours