When she came in talking about we cleared that floor it was full of suspicious men and I’m co-ceo and pulled out a mf gunnn I almost started screaming. She fucking did that, yes she did and she about to fuck them all up. I’m stanning bro.
But we see you, come prepared incase they do some fuck shit and even if they didn’t he was still going to put his mf cleaning crew on their asses for what they did to his man
Im like dying. I want to see the queen. I just know she’s gonna be hot bro. Like I get archduke is definitely simp material but it never hurts to have two.
Also just really want to know what’s up with her. Like did the ebony case impact her in someway or just just thought this was some bs, also what about all the other potentially unfair trials and the women who’ve died unfairly? What specifically set ebony apart?
Same paired with what the school, there’s definitely going to be reform eventually. But it’s just I found it weird that she chose ebony and the archduke happened to be at the right there.
Like as a character she has to be like crazy. The queen chose the right people at the right time allowing for them to essentially create what’s going to change society. Which could just be a coincidence and I might be looking too deep into this but it just feels like she might know either one personally or through documents and or was bored and was like it would be very interesting to see everyone interact.
But even so how would you even know that everyone would accept her? That the trial would go smoothly, that everything would unfold that way or similar. Idk I just want to meet her
I get that real Charlotte likes the prince but somehow im getting the vibe that eventually Charlotte is going to want Lancelot back bc she’s going to realize that the man she thought she loved and did the absolute most for doesn’t want her and she’s gonna realize that Lancelot was the only one who was kind to her also he’s strong. N that’s gonna start a problem
But there was no real reason for her to tear up tbh, I get that it just of been frustrating but idk what she was truly expecting. She’s a blacksmith and probably has no formal schooling & you knew from the jump you’re a commoner + the person who has the power to appoint you doesn’t fuck with you
I get the indecisiveness over who to choose and overall thick headedness butttt I hated it. Like the times she did it with Sunwoo and she projected Mr. shin onto him was stupid, there are likes you shouldn’t cross even if you’ve been friends for so long.. whenever she slept with Sunwoo it very much felt like she was just taking advantage of him.
Also her feeling her heart breaking can’t remember exactly why when he was leaving and relief upon seeing him again and her saying it would have been better if I loved you feels like she wasn’t secure in Mr. shin to begin with and whatever she was feeling maybe was more akin to lust & Sunwoo was always going to be the rebound.
Also Lora may have been aggravating at some points but I feel like her character was nicely done. I don’t know if at the end her and mr. shin were truly in love but seeing how they raised their child so far it does seem like it was good for them
Why does it feel like there’s pages missing. Like I get this is supposed to be mostly porn and speed up how they get together but damn