My father knows i watch it and even knows i own several mangas of it. I read Sekaiichi hatsukoi in front of him, I watched Love stage while sitting in the kitchen. I even bought Junjou romantica from someone and he went to pick it up for me xD When he got it I got a text saying "What the fuck is that gay pedo shit!?" My reply was " he's legal so it......
Sesshomaru from Inuyasha was my first (Although I'm not quite sure about that. Maybe it's Neji from Naruto) Right now, it's the main MCs of the Manga I recently finished titled 'The sound of your voice' But someone I've always been stuck onto is Usui from Maid Sama. He's from my childhood and I truly cherish that. You could say I'm pretty sentiment......
Not watch with tho.