So main girl's dad is the king of a small kingdom. Main guy is the king of a big kingdom. They both had a deal to allow equal use of a road in the main girl's dad's kingdom. Main girl's dad ends up neglecting the deal and main guy attacks and kidnap main girl's older sister who is pregnant. Older sister's lover then die trying to save her and she then ends up living 10+ years in the Main guy's kingdom. Main guy ends up having a son too. The son falls in love with the daughter of the older sister. The older sister and her daughter then goes back to their kingdom and the daughter falls in love with the son of the main girl's bodyguard. the son of the main guy then goes crazy, kills his dad and over thrones the main girl's kingdom harming the main girl's bodyguard on the way.
This is what I have read so far, dont know if I got it.

Yep, I think you got it right--the MC's dad, the king of the smaller kingdom, was supposed to build a road through his kingdom in exchange for mana crystals or something, but stopped construction and just kept receiving payment for work he wasn't intending to do (what an idiot). The bigger country took a princess hostage to give him more incentive to build the damn road like he said he would. talk about kids paying for the sins of their fathers... yikes.
If anyone is wondering where to start in the manga after completing the anime, it is vol.12.
The only 2 big difference between the manga and the anime is the manga goes into more details about Kanae (her lifestyle, family and etc) and there was a character that did not appear in the anime but does play a part in the manga: Hiou Uesugi, a child actor that admires Kanae. Everything else is pretty much the same.
OMG, THANK YOU- I didn’t know where to start^^