Guido Mista June 18, 2021 6:49 am

Idk if ive seen to much shit or what but yall are mad sensitive if this is the thing that you draw the line at. Like bro you dont even wanna know how wide a butthole can stretch this shit aint anything. Anyway ima go touch some grass

    Mimi June 21, 2021 5:49 pm

    It's not even bad wdym, those babies complaining are babies LOL. I didn't find any comments complaining so far

Guido Mista June 8, 2021 4:48 am

Why is taekowndo man getting more and more yaoi proportions the longer he's in this comic

Guido Mista May 23, 2021 6:08 am

Man's got teets

Guido Mista March 13, 2021 7:03 am

Wow. Amazing. What a story. I haven't cried this hard in years.

Guido Mista February 28, 2021 5:53 am

Hehe chapter 68 funne sex number

Guido Mista December 27, 2020 6:15 am

Why...couldn't mothafuckin trans representation....why do my lil trans feelings gotta be played like this....why must i be used as a trope

    GayLion December 28, 2020 3:48 am

    Uh forgive me, but I’m rather confused, could you explain? I understand there is not enough trans representation but how does this apply in this situation? I want to be clear I am not trying to insult you but merely curious how you perceive it to be so.

    Guido Mista December 28, 2020 6:27 am
    Uh forgive me, but I’m rather confused, could you explain? I understand there is not enough trans representation but how does this apply in this situation? I want to be clear I am not trying to insult you but... GayLion

    In many comics like this one, where the female protagonist "must" dress as a man, she uses things like binding, which is very personal to trans men or trans masculine people. There are also plays on social dysphoria, such as the fear of being "found out" or being revealed to not be a cisgender man. Whenever I see comics like this I always get a little excited because I might finally be represented. But instead, I always, ALWAYS, find that the author just uses the struggles of trans men or trans masculine people in order to fuel their fantasies.

    GayLion December 28, 2020 7:42 am
    In many comics like this one, where the female protagonist "must" dress as a man, she uses things like binding, which is very personal to trans men or trans masculine people. There are also plays on social dysp... Guido Mista

    I can see how you might interpret it that way but for me I don’t find it insulting at all. Binding is not specific to transgender people, though I must admit it is most common there. I do admit that I am now noticing why might be a play on social dysphoria but I think that’s more just in general large secret keeping. I think the author had no ill intent, spy’s often have to take on new identities and sometimes new genders to go along with said identities to gain more access. Similar to how female pirates would bind because women were thought to be bad luck, binding doesn’t change anything gender-wise though it may make some people feel more comfortable or allow others more access. I do understand the hope of being represented, I commonly feel that and am either disappointed by the bad representation or lack of; however I feel like this story was very blunt about her not giving up on her gender? Her presenting as masculine or even male wasn’t her saying she was a man but rather to hide her identity. So while I guess I can definitely see where you’re coming from I don’t think the author was using the experiences of transgender people to “fuel their own fantasies” as you say. I think the author was either trying to replicate similar spy stories with a bit more lightheartedness or perhaps even just likes seeing women in more masculine clothes. If it is the latter I can see how that could be taken negatively but I personally think clothes are clothes and a girl wearing masculine clothes doesn’t mock transgender people but rather is an expression of themselves or whatever they’re doing, in her case, her job. Anyways I guess the point of this is I can see how you would take it as such but I guess I just didn’t find it insulting and was curious to why you did. Thanks for explaining it to me though :)))

    Guido Mista December 29, 2020 5:13 am

    You raise good points, especially about clothing. However, that's not the issue I have. Of course some women bind: some might bind if they don't like their chest. But in this case she was "pretending" to be the opposite sex. So, to me, both the binding and the other themes of being transgender seemed to be a large part of the story. It just irks me to see something I am forced to go through on a daily basis be romanticized in such a way.
    Out of curiosity, and of course you don't have to share if you're not comfortable, but are apart of the trans community? I just want to know if you have experience in the matter. I'm not saying that you can't have an opinion on it if you aren't, I'm just wondering if you understand my view on this.
    Anyway, yeah, it just irks me the wrong way to see something that causes me so much pain and depression and anxiety be romanticized and used as a common trope in romance comics, such as this one. I also sometimes feel lured in with the promise of trans representation (again, due to the themes of binding and social dysphoria), but then the comic doesn't deliver at all. This is my point of view on the matter.

    Bebex January 1, 2021 2:11 pm

    I really don't get where were you expecting trans representation it's absolutely normal trope women dresses up as a man for mission. That's it. There was no promise or anything related to trans people. Binding in these situations is necessary.

    Guido Mista January 2, 2021 5:02 am
    I really don't get where were you expecting trans representation it's absolutely normal trope women dresses up as a man for mission. That's it. There was no promise or anything related to trans people. Binding ... Bebex

    Bro you totally missed the point lmao. Idgaf if it's a "common trope". It's romanticizing what trans people have to go through. I was just stating my view on it as a trans person, you don't need to get offended. I don't know anything about your situation, so obviously I can't say anything about your point of view, but to me, it's using aspects of being trans masculine or a trans man and using it to write a romance comic, which I am NOT a fan of. There is no need to get offended.

    GayLion January 2, 2021 9:50 am
    You raise good points, especially about clothing. However, that's not the issue I have. Of course some women bind: some might bind if they don't like their chest. But in this case she was "pretending" to be the... Guido Mista

    I’m non-binary so yes, but I was mostly using what I heard from my friend, who is a trans man. We have discussed something similar in the past and we both agree that tropes such as these don’t really make us upset lol. I can see where you’re coming from though and obviously just because one person isn’t insulted doesn’t mean the others are. I did really love hearing your analysis of it though

    Bebex January 2, 2021 12:08 pm

    I am not offended I quess I can also see what you trying to say but this isn romanticising binding in any way the binding is just there. Yes now days binding is mostly assigned with trans people but that doesn't mean only trans bind, women used binding in those days it doesn't matter that the genre of this story is romance that she is binding her chest doesn't romanticise it. For example beautiful webtoon(i think) Crimson carma follows female mercenary, she also binds her chest it's just necessary. Using the thrope doesn't mean romanticising it.

    Bebex January 2, 2021 12:29 pm

    So yes I agree with you that romanticising binding is a bad thing but I don't see where this story is romanticising it.

    Guido Mista January 3, 2021 6:03 am
    So yes I agree with you that romanticising binding is a bad thing but I don't see where this story is romanticising it. Bebex

    Her binding and hiding her gender is a central part of this romance story.

Guido Mista December 20, 2020 5:39 am

How tf did this guy go from "haha lowkey comic relief asshole guy" to making me clutch at my heart trying not to cry

Guido Mista December 12, 2020 6:48 am

Thomas is a weird ass kid man

Guido Mista December 12, 2020 6:10 am

Welp, this just tore my heart out and stomped on it

Guido Mista December 6, 2020 7:17 am

Oh no. He's stupid.

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