NocturnalSols's feed

Lina is so fucking obsessed with our girl like bro if I was our mc I would've done asked a long ass time ago why she's so insisted on everything I have like you took my man and when I said fine and let ya have him now you want this and that like dude do you wanna be me if so do you want to almost drowned at a young age cause your bio dad cheat on his wife do you want a whole family that makes your life shitty then the one solace you find its taken away by some random chick and then she comes in and tries to steal more things from you like what is it that you want. Our mc has the patience of a true Saint cause bro I would of done killed her a long ass time ago and I would of used the power of Bert to do it cause I just wouldn't be able to handle have to do deal with Lina constantly