Fuck... now this is a well written story like I kinda figured this is what would all be played out and even though some points were very clichéd it still managed to rope me in and pull out some emotion. We get enough information from the ml to get exactly what needs to be expressed, and this is coming from someone who has trouble with empathy with others but I saw enough information from the ml to get why he acts the way he does and his thought process. Which is very hard to express through art or in writing. The relationship between them was not sped through nor to slow paced plus nor was it to fast paced when their relationship began to spiral. I can't wait to see how it goes.
Ok so I just restarted reading this and this is something I dont get. But the king said in chap 4.4 he says what his ideal type is and also stated there's no way he could find EMI attractive yet is trying very hard to flirt with the girl in emis body. Which is still not his ideal type obviously they also have a serious dislike towards each other. I'm sorry that is so illogical to me if this was a situation I was in even of the new soul that's in the lady I disliked but she had a good personality I wouldn't be able to go after her with her wearing a body of someone I don't find attractive or disliked. I wouldn't be able to get passed it. Like I'd have to find a way to move her soul into a new body cause I wouldn't be able to touch that body. Cause to me if he can look passed the body issue then that just means he was always attracted to her but hated her personality and now that it's switched he has a body he can finally touch with soul he likes in which case doesn't mean he really likes either of em
But it still doesn't negate the fact that he stated he didn't find her attractive (I'm guessing that means her appearance) if it was the personality issue he would of stated it such a waste you have a terrible personality when you have such a beautiful appearance. Which means he actually genuinely like the reincarnated girl for her personality but I don't see how he could deal with her being emis body. Which also means if he never had an issue to begin with the appearance he is now ok with the body itself because he has a more naive soul in the body to do as he pleases which then means he wants to be in control.
I love the Duke I'm not understanding the hatred for him like obviously he was on a mission and didn't really seem like he was actually interested in Ellen in the first place. To me he had the same feel as dion when he showed up the only reason I see why people like dion more is cause we see and actual scene of him stating he was interested in our Mc before Ellen. But obviously the Duke is the same way because even his people saw this is the first chick he was actually interested in which means to me they never saw the Duke show this much interest in Ellen other then it being a job for him. The third ml though I'm not a fan of but I'm not a fans of characters with his personality type.
It's like 2 teenagers who got caught lol ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ