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SOS 26 08,2019
So I have a bit of a problem.
I very much want to have friends to chat with. But I will go from talking for hours and hours for weeks on end, then suddenly hit a deep depression and disappear for possibly months, but then come back as if nothing ever happened, and repeat. Most people can't really keep up with that, which is understandable; I mean I hate it also and makes me embarrassed which sometimes starts the depression, but that's beside the point. But because of that I have no "friends" to come back to when I pull myself out of my depression episode. I literally have one person I talk to, and that's because I live with them, hah. Anyway: Please be my friend, and I'm sorry if I don't seem like I want you as a friend. I really do, I just need to pull myself together a lot, hah. Just message me on here if you want, and if you don't want to I'm sorry for wasting your time, but thanks for listening to me whine.
26 08,2019

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