Can't say I'm surprised. Reagan's always turned to drugs to cope and the changes in him since she came into his life is unhinging him and so he takes more drugs which only messes his mind further... What Ingrid did in fully using him to get out of marriage with the Severus king was selfish of her, but I don't think she's been purposely leading him by the nose since just before the marriage... and the rest is his delusion formed from his mistrust of her mixed with possibly a laddle-ful of jealousy. Hopefully, Ingrid will turn out fine and this is enough to wake him up long enough to try and keep his head clear.

How do you just get onto someone's carriage without question? Even the kidnapper was surprised. Also, why are you telling so much truth? At the very least, think about how this might get the man you supposedly love into trouble. You live as a footman for a noble your entire life and don't even have the thought that someone might approach you to get to the noble? #-.-)

Like many, I was hoping she would turn out to be a support or even a comedic rival for the Emperor instead of what she's become, a punching bag for readers because she's written to have 0 IQ and -100 EQ. She herself was cheated on (leading up to her arrival in this world via a series of questionable choices for an adult... she was college-age at least right? Meh, can't remember, whatever ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I did dumb sh** too at that age, but don't recall any that dumb) In a span of what? 1 week? 1 month?... she manages to already forget her "heartbreak" and fall in love with a married man... I suppose you could use the excuse of rebound-fever/stupidity affecting her feelings, but really? You couldn't have fallen *that* hard in that short a time from him simply not acting like a jerk ON OCCASION...felt sorry for her in the beginning for getting dumped via text, but I can kind of understand the ex now with the way she's acting. Kids, I hope you learn not to act like this shallow character. On a separate note, if I was in her shoes, I would have supported the emperor's endeavors and ask him to pay gratitude for the help in living comfortably, any education I want, and plenty of good food because he's the emperor and can afford to feed me... I don't quite understand being in love with someone who obviously isn't in love with you but someone else.

I'm really curious about what kind of relationship Shuli had with her late husband. And if she had ever met his 1st wife. It looks like their relationship was very platonic so I wonder what kind though-- like friends, parent-child, or just benefactor-benefactee? Guess that would only be revealed much later, along with the derails of her promise to him?
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Straight facts, well said. But I don’t think he ever touched shuli even for obligations; the way shuli talks about her ignorance concerning the opposite sex makes me believe that she grew up solely taking care of the children with no real paramours. Though I do think it was 100% the late husband pitying this girl and taking her under his wing. Also, shuli would never have met the mother of the children, seeing as how she was only taken into the family as a replacement after the mother died and the father realized he was following suit.
Okay, but isn't he uncomfortable with his nightwear? Like vest & tie... I mean, I understand this last one since he initially came to spend time with her so he's likely just not changed into PJs yet, but did he really just sleep like that without even taking his tie off at least? (Duchess with an Empty Soul's Claude goes to sleep even with his gloves it seems.) Maybe I'm just complaining because I wanna see him with just untidy/open-collared shirt and simple pants on ( ̄∇ ̄")
When ones wife has delayed courtment and continues tone adorable ,not to mention lay on ones arm, moving to change is out of the question! In fear of waking the bae, sleeping uncomfortably is a minor inconvenience.
(Tbh I wanna see that too ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ )