I don't have color-blindness myself, but I don't think the night affects someone with color-blindness the way this manhwa makes it out to be? I think I read somewhere that someone with color-blindness tend to have better night vision if anything... granted when I say color-blindness, it's usually the case of not being able to perceive certain colors instead of the entire range, but in theory, this should differ in terms of night vision. Also, the first 2 chapters make the MC out to be a bit on the annoying side at the moment.

This isn't regular colourblindness to begin with, so there's no real measurements we can use.
However, if you go into an art program and take a night scenery picture of a forest and turn it black and white, you'll see how that can easily affect a characters orientation. Plus, his sight might be further altered due to things we are not aware yet.
Either way, his vision at night is not making naviagtion easy as he couldn't even distinguish the slightest shine of light at the sky, to tell where there are streetlights or such and hence go find a pathway.

I am dropping this. They weren't even finished with one confusing plot before opening another and there's like 100 of them now and the story was hard to follow as it was. I know most Chinese manhwa/novels with supernatural setting are hard to follow but this is one of the more difficult to digest ones and the confusing plotlines and many, many useless fillers do not give me any incentive to try to digest it.

Is it just me or does Anastacius seem like he's got some sort of parasite/possession situation going on here? If so, someone needs to find out quick (probably Lucas or Ijekiel) and remove the parasite/exorcise him (probably Lucas will need to do this) pronto. I don't think he was evil from the start if I interpreted the little hints here and there correctly.

I found this manwha hard to follow-- in that the story was flowing too fast and not much was explained, on top of the characters seeming somewhat puzzling (and not in a good or interesting way). I thought maybe something was off with the translation, but reading the translated novel didn't make it any better. I don't know if it is simply the case of the translation being bad (sometimes, the ones who pick up the work are not good at it, but they're doing it for free, so I won't complain because if I really wanted, I could have just gone and learn Korean myself) or the original writing itself was lacking. There are too many logic holes for the characters (even if you want to say they are eccentric, it doesn't mean their logic or intelligence should suffer as a result), such as how Perse (I think that's the correct name... the translation keeps switching the spelling around) immediately assumes Ciel is an assassin just because she knocked his wine glass (like, you're a duke who has fought, led troops, etc... in what universe does that action = assassination attempt?). Ciel's logic seems rather broken too, which can be excused as her child-brain is messing up her thinking (google about difference between children and adult brains, it's fascinating), but it is much too inconsistent because you have instances of where she thinks like an adult. Does anyone find anything different from how I'm interpreting the story flow and character-build?
Seems the emperor and crown prince are sensitive to boys crushing on their precious Arien... The boy just blushed and didn't even have time to process, but the emperor already nipped it in the bud and exiled him LMAO ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭