Not me reading this at work not bothered about all the noise around me. Then it goes quiet n i look up n find my boss reading over my shoulder home boy was like "nice seems like he's in to it" n my ass seeing that I've already been caught replies "i know right gosh i wanna get railed like this"my boss who might i add looks n is built like our seme laughs n says he can hook me up

Oh how i wish i washome boy kept mocking me this whole dam day!! Makes it worse his friend that's a shareholder had a meeting with him today n the ass walks out the office comes up to me n says "soooooo i heard your getting a bit daring" my sarcastic ass turned to him with the biggest smile on my face n said "sorry if you aint 2D, tatted, runs a mafia n a bussiness, and most importantly a dom daddy in bed then dont talk to me ok?" The smartass laughs then turns my chair facing my bosses office n says "i don't do any of that but i know someone who might fit some of the requirements" n my boss looks at us like wtfi started laughing n grabbed my work n ran off to the roof top to calm my ass down. I swear if this keeps up im quitting lmao i dont care how good looking they are im so done

I did sweat! Through my eyes!!!i felt like i was being stalked. You know the feeling you get when someones staring or watching you? Thats what it was like all day!soooooo i ran off to the roof. When i had to make calls or meeting reminders i called my boss instead of going to the office because my poor heart couldn't take anymore drama lmao
Home boy was gunning to be top n got dicked out instead lol